2024 camps were fully funded. Thank you & praise God! Let’s keep this going! Interlocking Ministries needs $150,000 for 15,000 campers for the 2025 camps. That’s $10 per student. By the way, each child does their part and pays $2. We realize the Kenyan economy is not able to fully support these camps, so we need your help. You might say “wow a week of camp for $12!" Yes, a dollar goes a long way in Kenya. How many students could you sponsor? Ten dollars is a small amount to affect a life for eternity. Director Eliazar reported 12,507campers and 2443 salvation decisions through camps in 2024!
It’s all worth it!
Interlocking: There is a momentum of the moving of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of the people in Western Kenya. We strive together, partnering with Bethesda Faith Ministries of Kenya, training in evangelism and discipleship in the public schools, marketplace, church plants and summer camp programs. We have also held pastor conferences, marriage conferences, widow & orphan ministry as well as sexual purity training. We are interlocked with them in a beautiful teamwork called the "body of Christ". This is why we are called Interlocking Ministries.
Bobby Johnson, Director, and his wife, Page Johnson, have a passion to take the Good News of Jesus to those who have never heard the Gospel. The Lord is using them in a powerful way to impact the lost of Africa with the light of Jesus and to improve the living conditions for so many African children. I urge you to support them in this endeavor. This ministry will meet needs which exist within USA believers and the Kenyan people. With your help lives will be changed for the Kingdom.
We were faithfully serving the Lord in New Life Camp ministry since 1983. In 2001 on Bobby's first Kenya mission trip with our church, he came face to face with spiritually hungry people in western Kenya. He found no other evangelical ministry there. After ten years of mission trips, God led us in 2011 into starting Interlocking Ministries to intensify discipleship with an initial focus on camp ministry. We have rotating board members and keep a pastor on all rotations for accountability. We are affiliates with CBM ministries based in Townsend, TN. This has grown to other ministries through community discipleship.
10710 Six Forks Road, Raleigh, North Carolina 27614, United States
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